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If you have questions about what show will suit your event or celebration 
please feel free to call or email and I'll be glad to assist in any way I can.
The show menu here will share some ideas about what is available
If you have something in mind you don't see here please call or email and 
we will work to see what can be brought to your event 

Illusions By Vick show menu -

Drawing Room
(or Parlor)
Dynamic entertainment in a sophisticated atmosphere. Drawing Room Magic allows for creating a unique ambiance featuring enchanting illusions in an intimate setting. Original illusions, "classics" of magic, interactive presentation, audience participation and a good time for all is the order for Drawing Room Magic. Recommended for Adult Birthdays, intimate gatherings and events where a unique, entertaining presence is desired. 
Mobile Station Performance - Innovative alternative to strolling (or walk around) magic that encourages guests to enjoy magic at their leisure while adding to the elegance, intrigue and festivity of your event. Recommended for receptions, large parties where the event is taking place in various areas simultaneously, museums/galleries or venues where there will be more than one entertainer performing simultaneously.

I don't recommend typical "strolling" magic for many reasons.

It can be intrusive or rude for a stranger to walk up to a group enjoying each others company or just getting to know each other at an event and start trying to perform magic. 

In most situations I set up with a portable table (bookcase style 2ft X 3 ft top, base on wheels) and start performing very visual, eye catching routines to encourage guests to approach and enjoy entertainment at their leisure. Guests who haven't had the pleasure of meeting before find a mutual enjoyment for an ice breaker and conversation material later. 

The mobile station performance allows for a wider variety of effects and entertainment as the table has more storage than just pockets and is more elegant and enchanting than "strolling" or so called "mingle" magic. Few if any "strolling" magicians can do a full size cup and balls or linking rings routine much less any of the original creations Illusions by Vick can do with this style performance.

This also allows for enhancing the flow of the event by setting up a show where ever the party is best suited. 

Please contact Illusions By Vick for details about this uncommon performance style.

Mentalism - "Shades of Perception" is the newest Illusions by Vick show
available for you and your guests entertainment, amazement and enlightenment.

In "Shades of Perception" Illusions by Vick acknowledges Mentalism isn't about
"mind reading" as the mind is not a book to be opened and read,
instead the mind has varying shades of perception, thoughts, feelings, emotions and many attributes that are not yet fully understood.

In this new show Illusions by Vick focuses on the audience, searching for
and illuminating their powers and abilities which they may not have been aware they possess!

"Shades of Perception" runs between 20 and 45 minutes depending on the event and desires of the host.
"Shades of Perception" can be performed both on stage and close up
 Magic -
Similar to Drawing Room Magic with a slightly broader and larger performance scope. May include larger illusions such as Houdini's Metamorphosis, Strait Jacket Escape and other illusions. Stage Magic can be incorporated into many venues. Recommended for larger parties, events and banquets. Illusions by Vick is a self contained show and comes with all our own equipment including PA system for stage shows. 
Corporate Events -  Reward your company with an unforgettable experience. From recognizing top performers in your organization to a one of a kind team building experience. Ever wanted to make your C.E.O. disappear? Note to C.E.O.'s - we didn't say where you would reappear.
Trade Shows -  Attract more visitors and increase your show presence. Illusions By Vick will promote your company message in a memorable fashion by integrating your company message into a memorable presentation. Clients will remember your message and talk about your companies services and products long after the show.
School and
Library Shows- 
Entertain students, teachers, staff, patrons and faculty with a program designed for your school, library and/or event. We encourage everyone to read more often.
Fund Raisers -

Fund Raising events with a program tailored to reach your specific goals financially
while promoting core values. Illusions by Vick works with you to promote the show
through providing advertising materials, doing pre-show work and applies experience
from previously performing successful fund raisers.
Everyone has an outstanding evening out,
is entertained and amazed while supporting your worthwhile cause.

Stage Illusion Show - Large scale illusion show to enthrall, thrill and mystify.

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Thoughts on Magic


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If you have any questions please call or email
- Thank you
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